Penny goes to School - weeks four, five and six
Previously: Week One , Week Two , Week Three I've neglected to report on the past few weeks' training sessions . . . except for each week's class topic, they have pretty much been more of the same -- Penny barks a lot, but will do anything for a treat from the instructor. In the fourth session, we learned about Loose Leash Walking combined with Take It and Leave It, Come when called, and Stay. Loose Leash Walking is still a work in progress, even for Keli, so Penny is making slow progress in that area. Fortunately for me, she weighs less than 15 lbs. so I can control her when she pulls. But she does comprehend the idea of "Leave It" -- when we find something icky on the street while we're walking, she'll sniff, but will continue walking when I tell her to leave it. We'll keep working on that one with both Westies, probably forever. Surprisingly, Stay was not that difficult for her -- as long as there is a treat involved. Come when called was par...