A Shave and a Haircut . . .

. . . and two baths!

It's almost summer and finally warm enough for the Westies to get their spring haircuts and baths and lay out in the sun to dry.

Keli got a nice close shave, not quite a summer cut, but nice and short around the neck and back, and we scissor-trimmed her skirt. We still have a little touching up to do since the bath.

Here they are, a day or so after their haircuts and baths:
Penny & Keli
Penny had her first haircut with the clippers. We didn't take too much off, just some of the "scruffies" around her neck and back, and scissor trimmed her tail. She's still a little raggedy in places, since she doesn't sit as nicely as Keli does during a grooming session. Penny is learning to sit nicely, but we need more time and practice (and lamb jerky treats). We really just wanted her to get used to the feel and sound of the clipper. She was pretty good and we kept the session short. She still has that puppy look, just a little neater now.

After the "rough cuts" it was time for the baths. Keli went first and as befits her station as senior Westie, was very well behaved; she only jumped out of the tub twice. Of course, Penny had to get up close and observe everything and add her two cents' worth of participation. She even helped Keli with the drying off part.
Bathtime for Keli Bathtime for Keli
Penny had her first real bath the following day. She's been in the tub a few times, but just to wash off dirty feet, not a real soak down and lather up kind of experience at all. And she was really pretty good in the tub, didn't jump out once. It helped that there were two humans telling her to stay put on her bath day.
Penny's First Bath

Keli took her turn watching, but from outside the bathroom door until all the water was down the drain. One bath is enough for her! She helped with the drying off, though.
Penny's First Bath
They both look so clean now and are so soft and white and sweet-smelling . . . if only it would last more than a few days!

View a slideshow of all their bathtime photos here

There are even more new photos in their Flickr photostream ......


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