Every Westie in the Pool!
Last summer, it was hot dog day in June when we tried to get out the old pool to cool off, but it had a hole in it and we had to wait a day to blow up another pool before we could have our first Westie pool party.
This year, we didn't have to wait, 'cuz we got a new pool from PetSmart in May. It's a little smaller than the old pool, but we think it's just right for us. We're ready for the heat this year!
This year, we didn't have to wait, 'cuz we got a new pool from PetSmart in May. It's a little smaller than the old pool, but we think it's just right for us. We're ready for the heat this year!
Penny jumps in first, but Keli isn't quite sure the water is warm enough yet:

Come on in Keli! We can both fit in here:

This is actually quite nice, once you get used to it:
Nov-14-2018 replaced photos from SewAmazin Flicker, uploaded to blogger; removed slideshow from SewAmazin Flickr
Hi my name is Roni Ross and today I found out from my vet that the dog have is a Wauzer...Both my long time vet and my self where very excited. Her now name is Daisy. She belonged to a neighbor whom could no longer keep her. I and my husband had to put down our long time dogs this past year. (mine a basset name Buckley whom I had for 7 years another stray...and his a rescued wolf mix he had for 14 years, very hard on both of us) We still had our black lab Hershey "Bear" whom Daisy appears to be very much in love with. Daisy owner let her all over our neighbor hood and borrowed food for her. He unfortunatly went to jail and left her abandon. I told my son to go to his house and find out if she was there and yes she was with no power, air or water with the back door open. I had him bring her home not really sure what to do. Two months later he showed up wanting her back so i gave her back to him and his girlfriend wife not sure what showed up with a cat that daisy was not fond of, plus the fact he managed to see how upset i was to see him. He gave her to me for good. Told me she was fixed and had all her shots..I took her to the vet today so i could get proof for the groomer and yeah, she is not fixed nor are we sure she had her shots. Any ways when he told me what she was I zoomed home to find more about her. Wow not much out there? Your site was exciting to read about Penny, she looks like Daisy's twin and when you said she likes your scrapts "felt and such" wow that is our Daisy she has a toy we call "chicken" it is a white bird that tweets she stole from my son whom he got a long time ago in an easter basket..she takes it every where with her...she also stole a white mitten from one of the our friend children and tosses it in the air..we have gotten her sevral toys but those seem to be the only two she cares about... we have two red ear slider turtles that she watches for hours, it's the cutest thing to see it's like she gaurds them... we have a glass pain next to our front door that both her and our lab lay on the tile and watch ever thing that goes on in our neighbor hood. We laugh because she has and enemy cat that taunts her in the evenings...lol
ReplyDeleteI really have fallen in love with the breed. She is a little yappy but calm and smart and loves to stalk and hunt..she chasses all the birds out of our yard. We live in Gilbert AZ and every moring she goes out and suns her self with her morning bisquite. I don't know how to blog? but my email is rhondarose71@gmail.com I would love to send you some pictures. Glad you have this site it was fun seeing another dog like her. I had guessed she had white westie but she was too tall and that hair...omg a hot mess she was when we got her..I couldn't even cut her low she was so matted.. we had to just keep clipping until we could get her in the tub and poor thing when she got wet her hair is so fine she looks bald..uggg so glad she is ours and sees the groomer now..she even walks around like she knows she looks good..lol